


Section 1: This organization shall be known as Cranston League for Cranston’s Future, also known as CLCF.

Section 2: Public identification for all sports shall be preceded by “CLCF”, e.g. CLCF Baseball, CLCF Soccer, etc. 

Section 3: Lettering on any uniform, stationary, signs or any other public identification will have “CLCF” at least as prominently displayed as any other logo or nickname.

Section 4: The color scheme for all travel or select team uniforms will be predominantly green and gold. CLCF GALS teams are permitted to retain pink and black as their traditional colors.


Section 1: This organization shall be non-sectarian and its objective shall be to provide for the physical and social improvement and advancement of young people living in the City of Cranston.

Section 2: Historically, priority for participation in any sport or activity has always been extended to children from families residing in Cranston.  While this is still a primary goal of CLCF, the needs of individual sports affiliated with multi-community, multi-state, and/or national organizations necessitates flexibility in this goal.  To this end CLCF sets forth the following objectives:

  1. Where practicable, and in accordance with the requirements of sport affiliates, preference for participation in CLCF sports and activities will continue to be given to Cranston residents.
  2. Any youth from Cranston who has participated in a particular sport may continue to participate, without interruption, in said sport, even if they change their residency to another city or state.
  3. Individual sports will follow the spirit of CLCF’s goals and history in accordance with the needs of affiliate requirements.
  4. Individual sports may set specific rules for the “grandfathering” of out-of-city resident/participants, applicable to that sport only.
  5. If a sport must differ from the above guidelines, it shall have a written policy specifically outlining the application of these objectives to the sport’s internal needs and the requirements of affiliates. This written policy will be submitted for approval to the President and the Board of Directors not less than one (1) month prior to that sport’s seasonal registration.
Youth Track and Field


Section 1: Membership in CLCF shall be open to persons of good moral character in sympathy with the purpose and work of the organization. Members must be willing to uphold the By-Laws of this organization.

Section 2: Voting on general CLCF business is limited to “active members”. See Article XII, Section 1 for eligibility requirements.


Section 1: The Board of Directors of CLCF (aka Executive Board) shall consist of the nine (9) currently elected Officers and four (4) active Past Presidents of CLCF.

  1. All active Past Presidents shall select four (4) from among themselves to be voting members of the Board of Directors. These Past Presidents shall be in addition to any Past President elected to an Office.
  2. Should any past president who is a voting member be absent for a Board vote another past president may vote in place of that absent member. The stand-in shall be the most recent president among the non-voting past presidents.
  3. A Past President who is later elected to an office shall vote as an Officer on issues before the Board of Directors.
  4. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be chaired by the President.
  5. A quorum of eight (8) voting members of the Board is necessary for any vote.

Section 2: Duties of the Board of Directors:

  1. Oversee the activities of the general organization and to ensure that all activities are in accordance with the goals and history of CLCF.
  2. Oversee the fulfillment of responsibilities of the elected officers of the organization.
  3. Resolve issues within a sport which affect the well-being of CLCF in general.
  4. Resolve issues between a sport or the City Liaison and city administration.
  5. Resolve issues between individual sports which cannot be resolved by the Sports Chairs themselves.
  6. Interview candidates for and approve the President’s selection of Sports Chairs.
  7. Recommend to the President changes to individual sports leadership when deemed necessary.
  8. Remove a Sports Chair if deemed necessary.
  9. Add sports programs if there is demonstrated public interest and the sport can be adequately funded.
  10. Remove sport programs if public interest or budget constraints warrant.
  11. Approve changes to local, state, or national affiliations.
  12. A member of the Board of Directors may not vote on any issue which results in a financial gain for that individual.
  13. The Board may waive any provision in the By-Laws if deemed necessary so long as it does not violate the spirit, objectives, and intent of the By-Laws.

Section 3: Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the second Thursday of September, December, March, and June, and at any other times deemed necessary by the President or by a majority of the Board members.

Youth Softball


Section 1: The officers of CLCF shall consist of President, Finance Director, Building Administrator, Building Reservations Administrator, Communications Director, Safety Director, Fundraising Director, Database Manager and Special Activities Director.   (See Appendix A:  Organization of CLCF Administration)             

Section 2: The President shall be elected to a term of one (1) year. Officers shall be members in good standing and shall be elected for a term of two (2) years.

Section 3:  A Past President may be elected to any office.

Youth Football


Section 1: A Nominations Committee will consist of all active Past Presidents who are voting members.

  1. The Nominations Committee shall meet during the month of May to select potential Officers.
    1. The nominee for President shall be from the current active Board members.
    2. A sub-committee of any four (4) Past Presidents may meet with the nominees to discuss allocation of the offices among them.
    3. The Board may waive any requirement for any office if, in their judgment, the circumstance warrants such action for the good of CLCF. This waiver requires a 2/3rd majority of those voting with a minimum of eight (8) Board members voting.
    4. The Nominations Committee will present a proposed slate of officers at the June meeting
  1. Immediately following the presentation, the Parliamentarian shall ask for nominations from the floor, beginning with the President and taking each office individually and in turn.
    1. Any active member in good standing may be nominated by any other member.
    2. Any active Past President may be nominated for any office.
  2. Election of officers shall be held for each office individually and in turn at the same meeting. Voting shall be secret if any voting member so requests.
  3. The Parliamentarian shall count all votes and announce the results.
  4. New Officers will assume their duties on July 1st.
  5. The Board of Directors meeting in June shall include all officers and shall be a transition meeting between in-coming and out-going officers.
  6. The newly elected President will be required to appoint Sports Chairs in time to be presented to the Board of Directors for approval prior to the July meeting

Section 2: Terms of Office:    

  1. The President shall be chosen from the current active members of the Board of Directors and elected annually.
  2. The Finance Director, Building Director, Database Administrator, and the Communications Director shall be elected to two (2) year terms in odd numbered years.
  3. The Safety Director, Building Reservations Administrator, Fundraising Director, and Special Activities Director shall be elected to two (2) year terms in even numbered years.
  4. The four (4) voting Past Presidents shall be selected from, and by, all active Past Presidents for a one (1) year term.
  5. All officers shall be elected at the regular June meeting and shall assume their respective duties of office on July 1. The new term shall commence on July 1 and shall terminate after twenty-four (24) months on June 30.
  6. There shall be no maximum number of terms an individual may hold any office.

Section 3: Office Vacancy:  Any office which is vacated for any reason shall be filled as follows:

  1. Should the office of President be vacated the most immediate active Past President will be Acting President until a new President is elected or the President returns to office.
  2. For all other Offices, the President shall appoint an acting officer until a new officer is elected.
  3. The vacancy shall be announced to the members as soon as possible by public announcement and/or individual notification (email or postal mail) and the President shall call a special meeting of the Nominations Committee prior to the next monthly meeting. Nominations of the new officer will take place at the next regular monthly meeting following the announcement.  Election of the Officer may take place at the same meeting.
  4. Should the newly elected officer be an individual currently holding another office the subsequent vacancy may be filled by immediate nominations from the Committee and/or the floor and an immediate election at that same meeting. The Nominations Committee shall be prepared for this possibility.
  5. The Board of Directors may vacate any office at any time if the elected Officer:
    1. Ceases to be an active member of CLCF without just cause.
    2. Is determined by the Board to have acted in a manner detrimental to the goals and objectives of CLCF.
  6. Any Office vacated by a vote of the Board of Directors shall be filled through the above-mentioned procedures. (2-4)
Youth Softball


Section 1: Responsibilities of the Officers

  1. Each Office will have specific duties and areas of responsibility.
  2. The Officer may opt to perform these duties him(her)self or may assign such duties to an Assistant(s).
    1. Assistant(s) serves at the pleasure of, and answers directly to, the Officer.
    2. Assistant(s) must receive the approval of the President.
  3. The Treasurer must be confirmed by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: It shall be the duty of the President to:

  1. Preside at all regular monthly meetings and special meetings.
  2. Represent CLCF before the public in all matters relating to policies, issues, and concerns.
  3. Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
  4. Be an ex-officio member of all committees, but have no voting power except in the case of a tie vote.
  5. Appoint all standing committee chairpersons, sports chairpersons, and special committee chairpersons, when necessary, except those for which other provisions have been made.
  6. Select Sports Chairpersons:
    1. The current Chair will recommend to the President individuals qualified to take over.
    2. The President and at least three (3) Officers shall consider all candidates.
    3. The nominee will be presented to the Board of Directors for confirmation.
  7. Call special meetings when necessary.
  8. Have additional powers and duties as deemed by the Board of Directors.
  9. Collect all procedure books from the officers and committee Chairs and see that they are turned over to their successors.
  10. Appoint an Assistant Treasurer to perform the Treasurer’s duties in the absence of the Treasurer.
  11. Keep all permanent and official records, i.e., by-laws, copyright, documents, etc.
  12. In the absence of the Finance Director co-sign all checks with the Treasurer.
  13. Determine whether an adult who has a questionable item indicated by a formal background check may continue to participate in the program.
  14. Obtain annually from each Sports Chair a written policy concerning participation by non-Cranston residents which outline the application of the objectives defined in Article II of these By-Laws to the sport’s internal needs and the requirements of affiliates.
  15. Convene special meetings of the Board of Directors whenever any issue arises which:
    1. May alter the historical goals and objectives of CLCF or any Article of these By-Laws.
    2. Has any impact on multiple sports within the organization.
    3. Results from a change in Cranston City policy which may alter the operations of CLCF.
  16. Coordinate and oversee the execution of responsibilities of the Officers.

Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Immediate Past President to:

  1. Preside at all regular meetings in the absence of the President.
  2. Act as an aide to the President.
  3. Assume the duties of the President should that office be vacated for any reason.
  4. If the Immediate Past President is not available for any reason, then the Past Presidents will select any other Past President to perform the President’s functions.
  5. Perform such other duties as delegated by the President.

Section 4: It shall be the duty of the Finance Director to:

  1. Oversee the duties of the Treasurer:
    1. Oversee the finances of the organizational program in general.
    2. Co-sign all checks with the Finance Director, or the President if the Finance Director and the Treasurer is the same person.
    3. Report to the President and Board of Directors on any:
      1. Significant changes in income and/or expenditures of the organization.
      2. Necessary projects required to maintain the building or programs.
  2. The Finance Director may appoint an Assistant Treasurer, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
    1. The Assistant Treasurer shall not be considered a member of the Board of Directors, although a member of the Board may be appointed to this position.
    2. The Assistant Treasurer shall aid the Finance Director in all aspects of the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer with the intent of learning the requirements of the position for possible succession to that position.
  1. Oversee the duties and responsibilities of the Bookkeeper:
    1. It shall be the duty of the Bookkeeper to:
    2. Act as bookkeeper for CLCF in general and for all sports and activities.
    3. Have custody of all monies of the organization and keep an accurate record of same.
    4. Render a financial report at each regular meeting.
    5. Pay all legally contracted debts.
    6. Deposit in the appropriate bank accounts all monies collected.
    7. Monitor and communicate to the appropriate program administrators all issues of delinquent participant accounts.
    8. Secure payment of all delinquent participant accounts according to CLCF policy.
      1. Report to the Finance Director any issues of apparent financial irregularity or concern.
  2. Maintain the Federal and State Tax documents for CLCF.
  3. Secure necessary authorization for fund raising methods as required by law from the Rhode Island State Police.
  4. Establish policies for income and expenses entailed by, and necessary for, all other sports and programs.

Section 5:  It shall be the duty of the Building Administrator to:

  1. Provide for the proper maintenance of the building and facilities.
    1. Clean the building gym and meeting rooms on a regular basis.
    2. Coordinate the removal of trash from the site.
    3. Maintain the fields and equipment in proper condition.
    4. Secure and contact outside contractors for necessary work.
    5. Secure bids for work and report to the Finance Director.
    6. Monitor and update as needed and/or required all items included in the building maintenance annual calendar, including but not limited to, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, heating and air conditioning equipment, building insurance.
  2. Oversee the duties and responsibilities of the Capital Projects Coordinator. It shall be the duty of the Capital Projects Coordinator to:
    1. Identify the need for any capital improvements to the building or programs.
    2. Secure bids for capital improvements.
    3. Report project expenditures to the Finance Director.

Section 6: It shall be the duty of the Building Reservations Administrator to:

  1. Secure and coordinate rentals of the gym, meeting rooms and fields.
  2. Establish appropriate rental rates as approved by the Board of Directors.
  3. Coordinate the assignment of usage for the gym, meeting rooms and fields.
  4. Secure payment of all rentals in accordance with the Finance Director’s policies.

Section 7:  It shall be the duty of the Communications Director to:

  1. Act as, or appoint a Secretary at all regular monthly meetings and at meetings of the Board of Directors.
  2. Record and maintain all organization records including the minutes of all regular CLCF monthly meetings.
  3. Deliver a verbal report and/or provide written copies of minutes at each following meeting.
  4. Maintain and update monthly a list of CLCF members.
  5. Maintain and update monthly a list of eligible voters for all CLCF matters.
  6. Notify members of monthly, Board of Directors and special meetings at least five (5) days prior to the meetings.
  7. Issue such correspondence as requested by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
  8. Respond to correspondence from outside sources in coordination with the President and/or the Board of Directors.
  9. Arrange for letters of gratitude to all sponsors and other charitable sources of funds.
  10. Notify the membership of any vacancy for an elected office in accordance with Article VI, section 3.
  11. Assist the organization through releases to the press and other public media, including but not limited to, the Providence Journal, the Cranston Herald, Cable Television.
  12. Assist with the distribution of appropriate materials to children through school administrators. All materials intended to be distributed through individual Cranston Public Schools must be submitted in advance to the Office of the Superintendent and distributed in accordance with School Department policy.
  13. Oversee and coordinate the duties and responsibilities of a Media Specialist. It shall be the duty of the Media Specialist to:
    1. Manage CLCF information via mass media: Website, newspapers, TV media, Facebook, etc.
    2. Manage technology media communication through the School Departments
    3. Coordinate with the Communications Director all information to be disseminated to the public.

Section 8: It shall be the duty of the Database Manager to:

  1. Assist Sports Chairs in setting up registrations, creating reports and communicating with participants via the Database program.
  2. Manage the users who have access to the Database program, including Sports Chairs and CLCF Officers.
  3. Verify that the Database information is identical to the Sports Budget information.

 Section 9. It shall be the duty of the Safety Director to:

  1. Maintain CLCF Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’S)
  2. Coordinate programs for training of coaches with the Sports Chairs and staff in the various sports.
  3. Determine the appropriateness of CLCF training procedures and activities.
  4. Assist Sports Chairs to improve the teaching skills of coaches.
  5. Obtain outside training as needed for individual sports.
  6. Assist coaches in appropriate affiliate licensing in the various sports. 

Section 10:  It shall be the duty of the Fundraising Director to:

  1. Oversee and coordinate the activities of the Fund-Raising Committee in soliciting contributions from sponsors and obtaining grants necessary for the operations of various sports.
  2. Assist individual sports in securing monies to support their activities through a variety of means.
  3. Secure financial contributions from individuals and business to improve CLCF’s activities.
  4. Write grant proposals to charitable and governmental organizations to secure funds.
  5. Coordinate with the individual sports income and expenses generated by CLCF sponsored tournaments. 

Section 11:  It shall be the duty of the Special Activities Director to:

  1. Oversee the activities of the By-Laws Committee. See to it that the By-Laws are examined and revised as needed at least every five (5) years in years ending in “0” or “5”.
  2. Act as or appoint a Parliamentarian for all regular monthly meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors or appoint another to act in his/her stead.
    1. The Parliamentarian will preside over all elections.
    2. The Parliamentarian will tally all votes for all elections.
  3. Chair the Finance Committee.
    1. Select two (2) members of the Finance Committee, or an independent auditor, to act as an Auditing Committee to examine the Treasurer’s books not less than every two years
    2. Report to the President and the Board of Directors on the results of each audit.
  4. Oversee the finances of the individual sports as the Sports Budget Coordinator. It shall be the duty of the Sports Budget Coordinator to:
      1. Conduct verification procedures for all sports concerning incomes and expenditures.
      2. Assist the sports chairs to develop and implement annual budgets.
      3. Audit the individual sports budgets annually/seasonally as needed.
      4. Verify that monies contributed to a sport from a Board assigned corporate sponsor are used for participants in regular, developmental or recreational programs. Such monies may not be used to fund uniforms or activities of select, all-star or travel teams.
      5. Oversee the Leo J. Castiglioni, Jr. Award Program. It shall be the duty of the Castiglioni Committee to:
        1. Update as necessary the criteria for receiving the award.
        2. Retain, revise and interpret the criteria for the award.
        3. Communicate to Cranston Public schools and to other local private schools the information and procedures required for applying for, and receiving, the award.
        4. Establish and update procedures for the selection of award recipients.
        5. Receive and determine the validity of student applications.
        6. Evaluate the credentials of applicants and select recipients.
        7. Coordinate with the Finance Director to:
          1. Determine the number of scholarships to be made available.
          2. Provide the awarded funds to the recipients.
        8. Inform the recipients, the schools, the Castiglioni family and the media of the awards.

    7. Oversee and coordinate the duties and responsibilities of the Historian. It shall be the duty of the Historian to:

      1. Retain significant historical records of the organization.
      2. Update the history to reflect achievements in sports programs and by former individuals of sports programs.
      3. Annually update the plaques for Past Presidents and Past Sports Chairs and other significant accomplishments.
  1. Oversee the implementation and completion of any projects deemed necessary by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
  2. Coordinate all special events involving the public or intended to generate funds for CLCF.
  3. Perform other duties as determined by the Board of Directors and/or the President.

Section 11:  Past Presidents

  1. The Immediate Past President and all active Past Presidents shall constitute a Board of Advisors:
    1. This Board shall advise and assist the President and Board of Directors at their request.
    2. Members of the Board of Advisors shall not be voting members of the Board of Directors unless selected by the other Past Presidents as one of the four (4) representatives on the Board. (See C: below)
  2. Should the office of President be vacated the most immediate active Past President will be Acting President until a new President is elected or the President returns to office.
  3. Active Past Presidents shall select from among themselves four (4) representatives to serve on the Board of Directors.
    1. While all active Past Presidents may attend and participate in meetings of the Board these four (4) representatives alone as Past Presidents shall each have a vote in Board of Directors matters.
    2. Selection of these representatives to the Board shall be done annually for a one (1) year term.
  4. Each of these four (4) shall act as Advisors to each other Officer, except the President.
  5. Any active Past President may be elected to any office.
  6. A Past Presidents elected to any office shall have a vote on the Board of Directors
  7. Active Past Presidents shall constitute the Nominations Committee for all elective offices.
  8. Active Past Presidents may be utilized as Liaisons to the various sports.
CLCF Cheerleading
Youth Softball
CLCF members
Youth Track and Field
Youth Softball
Youth Track and Field
Youth Baseball


Section 1: Standing Committees

  1. Board of Directors (aka Executive Board)
  2. Sports
  3. Building
  4. Fund Raising
  5. Finance
  6. Nominations as defined in Article VI, section 1.
  7. By-Laws Committee
  8. Leo J. Castiglioni, Jr. Award

Section 2:  Special Committees: The President and/or the Board of Directors may designate committees for any reason not otherwise established by these By-Laws.


Section 1:  If deemed necessary by the President, every sport shall have a Liaison. All Liaisons shall be either Officers or Past Presidents or past Sports Chairs. The appointed Liaison is mutually agreed to by the President, the Sports Chair and the Liaison.

Section 2: The Liaison is an advisory position between the President/Board of Directors and the Chair of each individual sport.  The Liaison serves as an intermediary between the CLCF administration and the sport’s Chair. As such, the Liaison may provide the sport’s board with continuity as Chairs change over time.

  1. The position is an appointment by the President and answers directly to the President.
  2. The Liaison is not directly involved in, or responsible for, the day-to-day operations of the individual sports.
  3. The Liaison does not have administrative authority within the sport’s board unless the Chair wishes to involve the Liaison in that manner.
  4. The Liaison does not have authority to make decisions affecting operations of the sport.
  5. The Liaison does not have authority to overrule actions or decisions of the Sport’s Chair.

Section 3: Functions of the Liaison from the CLCF President to Sport’s Chair:

  1. Assist in the development and presentation of annual budget.
  2. Share the expectations of the CLCF Board to the Sport’s Budget Coordinator.
  3. Advise the sport’s Chair in regards to implementation of CLCF policies and procedures as outlined, but not limited to, the CLCF By-Laws.

Section 4: Functions of the Liaison from the Sport Chair to CLCF President:

Section 5:  Additional Functions

  1. Perform the functions of “Middle-Man” between the sport and the CLCF administration for issues that have not been successfully resolved at the sport level but do not necessarily warrant a decision of the CLCF President or Board of Directors. The Liaison acts as a mediator for these issues.
  2. Assist the out-going Chair and the President in the appointment of subsequent Sports Chairs.

Section 6:  Liaisons are not members of the Board of Directors.


Section 1: Each Committee/Sports Chairs are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the President. Appointments must secure approval of the Board of Directors. Each Chair shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Submit plans of work to the President at the President’s request and select members to serve on each committee. The names of the committee members shall be reported to the President.
  2. Plan sports and activities programs, obtain coaches, register youths for programs, coordinate with the City Liaison to obtain permission for the use of fields, and abide by the rules set up for individual programs.
  3. Coordinate with the Safety Director to provide programs for the training and improvement of coaches and support personnel so that the objective of CLCF may be continually advanced as a “Sports and Youth Development Program”. Unless otherwise provided, Sports Programs will offer personnel annual training programs through CLCF.
  4. Request permission of the current officers to register young people from outside the Cranston city limits in order to field complete teams or to expand the program so long as no Cranston resident is thereby excluded from the Sports Program or Activity. (In compliance with Article II, Section 2.)
  5. Coordinate with the Communications Director to publicize the activities of the organization through releases to the press and other public media, including but not limited to, the Providence Journal, the Cranston Herald, Cable Television.
  6. Distribute appropriate materials to children through school administrators. All materials intended to be distributed through individual Cranston Public Schools must be submitted in advance to the Office of the Superintendent and distributed in accordance with School Department policy.
  7. Obtain from the Finance Director the policies and procedures for all aspects of a sport’s budget.
  8. Prepare a general budget and approve budgets and other expenditures. The general budget shall be submitted three (3) months prior to the sport’s registration date if requested by the President.
  9. Collect and transfer to the CLCF Treasurer all funds generated by individual programs. All major expenditures shall be through the CLCF Treasurer.
  10. No contracts or lease agreements may be entered into without prior approval by the CLCF Board of Directors, and the signature of the President and at least one other board member.
  11. Any one-time expenditure that exceeds $2500 must be approved by the Finance Director. This does not apply to annual expenditures that are within a program’s annual budget e.g. tee shirts, uniforms etc.
  12. Any one-time capital expense must be approved by the Board of Directors.
  13. Deposit all funds that are not collected through the registration system or by other electronic means into the sport specific account. Send an email to the Finance Director and the CLCF Accountant with a detailed description of each source of the funds deposited.
  14. For any requests for reimbursement from an individual sports account, send an email to the Finance Director and the CLCF Accountant with the appropriate documentation (invoices, receipts etc.), and a detailed description of the items and/or services purchased.  Failure to include the Finance Director, along with the Accountant, will prevent funds from being processed.
  15. Secure payment of all delinquent participant accounts according to CLCF policy.
  16. Coordinate with the Fundraising Director to obtain and execute plans for increasing organization funds through special activities, some of which shall be suggested by the general membership.
  17. Submit to the Sports Budget Coordinator a final budget of the actual receipts and expenditures of the sport’s season within one (1) month following completion of the season if requested to do so.
  18. It is an expected duty of the Sports Chairs to attend regular monthly meetings of CLCF and to present a monthly progress report for the individual sport.
  19. “Background Check”: Consistent with RI state law that applies to school volunteers, all coaches and volunteers (over 18 years of age) must undergo a state criminal background check at least one week prior to the start of volunteering. The background checks are to be conducted by the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) in the RI Attorney General’s Office and should be conducted annually in order to maintain coaching and/or volunteer status with CLCF. The BCI form certifying no criminal record should be submitted to the President and Communications Director. In the alternative, CLCF programs affiliated with national organizations or associations that conduct background checks of all its coaches and volunteers that are more comprehensive than the RI BCI check must obtain a certified list of those who received a satisfactory background check from the national organization or association. The certified list should be submitted to the President and Communications Director.
  20. Be familiar with and follow all CLCF policies and procedures as outlined in these By-Laws and Addenda.

Section 2:  Direct responsibilities to the President.

  1. Prior to the beginning of each sport’s season the Sports Chair / Committee Chair will discuss with the President the following:
    1. Projected budget of income and expenses for the coming season. (Also with the Finance Director as Finance Committee Chair.) This budget is to be submitted to the Sports Budget Coordinator three (3) months prior to the sport’s registration. Following conclusion of the sports season submit to the Sports Budget Coordinator a complete and final budget of the actual receipts and expenditures of the season if requested to do so.
    2. Discuss and receive approval for all fund-raising activities and solicitations of funds if not identified in the projected budget.
  2. Identify the members of the sports’ administrative committees.
  3. Outline the sport’s goals and objectives for the following year.
  4. Identify anticipated difficulties and potential resolutions based on past experience.
  5. Provide a list of coaches and staff.
  6. Provide a list of practice times, sites, and game schedules.
  7. Identify to the Finance Director any participants who have an outstanding and unresolved debt to the sport.
  8. Submit to the President the sport’s written policy specifically outlining the application of Article II, Objectives to the sport’s internal needs and the requirements of affiliates.
  9. One month prior to the sport’s season submit to the Constituent Liaison copies of all forms and documents which are to be distributed to the public. These will be filed with CLCF records.
  10. Recommend to the President ideal members of the sport who would qualify as a replacement as sports Chair as needed.  The final selection of the new sports Chair rests with the President with approval of the Board of Directors.
CLCF Football
CLCF Football
CLCF Cheerleading


Section 1: Regular meetings of the organization shall be held on the first Thursday of each month, August through June, and on the second Thursday of July.

Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the President, any member of the Board of Directors, or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members eligible to vote who are present at a regular or special meeting.

Section 3: The order of presiding officer at all meetings shall be:  President, Immediate Past President, most senior Past President on the Board, any other Officer selected by Board consensus.

Section 4: All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, the version as accepted by the President.

  1. A Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Special Activities Director to coordinate the Rules of Order.
  2. All voting shall be conducted by the Parliamentarian.
Youth Track and Field Podium


Section 1:  A member who has attended at least six (6) of the previous twelve (12) regular monthly meetings is considered “active” and is eligible to vote on general CLCF business.  Members absent from meetings due to CLCF business will be considered present for attendance purposes.

Section 2:  No voting may take place unless a quorum of at least fifteen (15) voting members is present.  In order for a motion to carry, it must receive a majority vote.  Votes by proxy are not accepted. If fifteen (15) voting members are not present then a quorum shall be two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible voting members, but not less than ten (10).

Section 3: If any motion cannot be voted upon because of a lack of a quorum at two (2) consecutive regular meetings, then the Board of Directors may vote on that issue at their next meeting.

Section 4:  Motions, discussions, and voting shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

  1. Voting shall be coordinated by the Parliamentarian.
    1. The Parliamentarian will preside over all elections.
    2. The Parliamentarian will tally all votes for all elections and present the results to the membership.


Section 1:  Periodic Review and Revision

  1. These By-Laws shall be reviewed in their entirety every five (5) years in those years ending in “5” or “0”.
  2. All revisions shall be presented to the CLCF body and voted upon as outlined in Section 2 below.

Section 2: These By-Laws may be amended in the following manner:

  1. A proposal for revision may be made by any member at a regular meeting of CLCF.
    1. The proposal may be discussed at that meeting and a public notice disseminated to the membership will be made by public or electronic means at least seven (7) days prior to the next regular meeting.
    2. The proposal will be brought up for discussion at the next regular meeting. It may be modified by agreement at that same meeting.
    3. Passage of the proposed amendment(s) may be confirmed at that same meeting following discussion and modification.
  2. A proposal for revision may also be presented to the President at least two (2) weeks prior to a monthly meeting.
    1. The President will present the proposal to the Board of Directors.
    2. If approved by the Board the proposal will be disseminated to the membership at least two (2) weeks prior to the next meeting at which time it will be open for discussion and/or modification.
    3. Passage of the proposed amendment(s) may be confirmed at that same meeting.

If a motion before the body cannot be voted upon due to a lack of quorum at two (2) consecutive meetings, the President may move the motion to a Board of Directors meeting. The motion may then be passed by a majority of those members present and voting.

CLCF By-Laws as Revised, December 2023


The attached Appendixes are not part of the CLCF By-Laws.

They are attached here that they may be readily disseminated and used for reference illustrating the guidelines and expectations of CLCF members.  Adherence to these Appendixes is required of all CLCF members, especially those in leadership positions, i.e., the Officers and Sports Chairs.

Appendixes may be changed at any time by the Board of Directors without a vote of the membership.



CLCF believes that proper sportsmanship is essential to the proper development of youth.  Additionally, sportsmanship is an integral part of the CLCF Objective defined in Article II above.  To this end CLCF defines sportsmanship as follows and declares the following steps as appropriate to enforcing sportsmanship from its members:

Section 1: Definition of “sportsmanship / sportsmanlike behavior”.

  1. Actions and/or demeanor which promote and/or exhibit positive qualities in both victory and defeat.
    1. Examples of such qualities, but not limited to, are fairness, courtesy, cooperation, decency, dignity, integrity, respect for self and others.
      1. A willingness to abide by program and sport rules and regulations at all times.

Section 2:  Definition of “Lack of sportsmanship / unsportsmanlike behavior”.

  1. Actions or attitudes which exhibit a lack of the above stated positive qualities.
  2. A refusal to adhere to known, stated program and sport rules and procedures.
  3. Inappropriate demonstration of disagreement with officials, coaches, teammates, opponents, and others, such as, but not limited to: inappropriate language including profanity, loud and/or demonstrative displays, booing, verbal and/or physical threats and assaults.
  4. Any action or attitude which results, or is intended to result, in disrespect for, or the reduction of authority of, officials and/or game/field officials.

Section 3: CLCF has the responsibility to “require” sportsmanlike behavior from players, coaches, parents and other spectators.

Section 4: CLCF has the authority to “require” sportsmanlike behavior from players, coaches, parents and other spectators.

Section 5:  Appropriate consequences for unsportsmanlike behaviors from:

  1. Players:
    1. Verbal discussion and/or warning by coach, game official, or CLCF representative.
    2. Reduction in playing time. (Benching by coach).
    3. Dismissal from the contest/practice by coach or game official.
    4. Suspension from one or more games by coach, sport rules, or Sports Chair.
    5. Exclusion from that sport for the remainder of the season by sport rules or Sports Chair.
    6. Permanent exclusion from that sport.
    7. Temporary exclusion from ALL CLCF sports.
    8. Permanent exclusion from ALL CLCF sports.
  2. Coaches:
    1. Verbal discussion and/or warning by game official, CLCF representative, or Sports Chair.
    2. Reprimand by Sports Chair or Committee.
    3. Formal censure by Sports Chair or Committee.
    4. Suspension from one or more games by Sports Chair or Committee.
    5. Exclusion from that sport for the remainder of the season by Sports Chair or Committee.
    6. Permanent exclusion from that sport by Sports Chair or Committee.
    7. Temporary exclusion from ALL CLCF sports by CLCF President.
    8. Permanent exclusion from ALL CLCF sports by CLCF Board of Directors.
    9. Arrest and filing of formal legal charges (by individual or by CLCF Board of Directors).
  3. Parents and other spectators:
    1. Verbal discussion and/or warning by coach, game official, CLCF representative, or Sports Chair.
    2. Dismissal from the contest/practice by coach, game official, CLCF representative, or Sports Chair.
    3. Suspension from one or more games by Sports Chair with approval of the CLCF President.
    4. Exclusion from that sport for the remainder of the season by Sports Chair with approval of the CLCF President.
    5. Permanent exclusion from that sport by Sports Chair with approval of the CLCF President.
    6. Temporary exclusion from ALL CLCF sports by the President.
    7. Permanent exclusion from ALL CLCF sports by the Board of Directors.

Section 6: The authority to impose sanctions.

  1. The authority to impose sanctions rests with the President of CLCF and the Board of Directors according to the CLCF Constitution and By-Laws.
  2. Such authority may be designated to Sports Chairs who determine the delegation of authority pertaining to specific persons within that sport. The Sports Chair is responsible directly to the President and serves at the pleasure of the President.

Section 7: The “chain of command” for imposing sanctions.

  1. The hierarchy of authority from least to most is as follows:
  2. Team Managers including Coach, Assistant Coach, and any other responsible individual placed in a management position over the youth players.
  3. Coach, CLCF Representative, Sports Chair.
  4. Game Officials as defined in the rules of the game and/or CLCF sports procedures.
  5. Field Representatives or specific designee of the Sports Chair has authority over all persons involved in the sport practice or contest.
  6. President of CLCF.
  7. Board of Directors of CLCF.
  8. In emergency situations, City or State authorities, including Fire and Police personnel.

Section 8: Enforcement of sanctions.

  1. When imposed it is assumed that the affected individual will comply with the sanction. Dependent upon the severity of the unsportsmanlike behavior, adherence to sanctions may be required verbally or in writing.
  2. If the imposed sanction is not accepted then the next level of sanctions may be imposed.
  3. When sanctions which must be immediately adhered to, i.e., practice or contests, are not accepted then the designated authority from the Sports Chair may terminate the practice/contest.
  4. For severe issues or repeated issues a player or coach may be sanctioned as stated above up to and including possible suspension.
  5. Parents and Spectators who do not adhere to imposed sanctions may be excluded from practices and/or contests by the following procedures:
    1. For immediate and disruptive behaviors, removal by the Cranston or local police.
    2. For repeated issues which have not been responded to, by suspension of the child from participation whenever the parent/spectator appears.

Whenever a sanction of suspension of coach or parent/spectator is imposed the next level of CLCF authority will be informed.


Tournament, travel and special teams must be independently funded by the participants. They may not be funded from general program monies unless all participants are involved.