About us



clcf sports

Logo & Building

Built in 1974, the CLCF Building is located at 970 Pontiac Avenue in Cranston. With two meeting rooms, the building serves as a headquarters for the individual sports for meetings and walk-in registrations. It’s gymnasium is home to the boys and girls basketball, boxing, and wrestling programs.

There are also outdoor fields used for practices, and sports program events. The lower level facilities were completely rebuilt following the record flooding of spring 2010. At that time the heating and air conditioning systems were replaced and modernized.

The building space(s) are also available for rent when not in use by our programs. With ample space, and on-site parking, the building is ideal for meetings, tournaments, sports leagues, parties or trainings. See below for scheduling and contact information.

CLCF is the most varied and one of the largest sports organizations in the United States. In 1992 CLCF was heralded at a national level as a significant, unique and dynamic program for children when it was honored by Cox Cable in their Steering Kids Straight Program. Leo Castiglioni was acknowledged as a role model for sports coaches. Cranston has a right to consider herself special for having Cranston League for Cranston’s Future in her midst.

1970- ON


Time and budding enthusiasm expanded the sports offerings: hockey was added in 1955. In 1956 Leo and Don, who had been a player agent for the Little League and had seen too many potential players left out, added baseball as an alternative to Little League. Cheerleading was included to bring girls into the football program. Wrestling joined the fold in 1960. Numerous other sports were included that in time faded away: ice-skating, street hockey, girl’s gymnastics, and girl’s volleyball. All served their purpose and were reluctantly eliminated as kids’ interests evolved and they moved on to other sports. Over the next decades more sports were added: track in 1971, soccer in 1972. Chess joined the program in 1988 and gymnastics and cross-country in the early 90’s. By the late 90’s bowling had become a part of the mix and gymnastics was gone. In 2001 judo was included.




Along with the social emphasis on equality CLCF leaders realized that there were insufficient programs for girls. A new sub-division of CLCF was formed to specifically address the needs of these girls: the Girls Athletic League for Sports or as they are more simply known, GALS. Very significant numbers of girls joined the basketball and softball programs. The program grew in size, prestige and skill. In 1988 GALS ceased to be independent and was reabsorbed as part of the CLCF organization. In Spring 2003 the GALS U16 softball team was crowned national champions, a first for CLCF!

clcf sports


The organization is now housed in the CLCF Building, 970 Pontiac Avenue, Cranston. Sports programs are varied and cover all seasons of the year. CLCF is today one of the largest youth sports organizations in the United States and is Rhode Island’s most varied independent youth development sports program. Each program is open to any youth from the city of Cranston. If available space and opportunity allow all programs are open to the youth from any surrounding communities as well. CLCF in its entirety is a self-supporting, non-profit organization. The Board of Directors, coaches, and all adult personnel are unpaid volunteers. They dedicate their time and talents because they love kids. CLCF also hosts two adult programs for its past and present members: golf and bowling. In 1970 Nancy Bagian designed the all-encompassing logo for CLCF. Two years later she became the first president of GALS and also designed their equally unique logo.

Youth Cross Country